Ryder Kenneth

by Whitney Bird in , , ,

Three months in and I'm finally getting around to sharing some photos of my second son on my recently neglected blog.  I have actually been really good about taking photos and sharing them on Instagram, but not so good about blogging.  I do love having these posts to look back on, and it is my intent to someday print my personal posts as a keepsake, so I know I have to be better about blogging personal photos. 

Ryder is a very sweet baby.  He is such a happy little guy, and will be one tough little boy in thanks to his older brother.  His birth went so smoothly-like Kevin and I couldn't believe how quick it was-smoothly.  Obviously two children is an adjustment, but Ryder sure has done his part to make the transition easy on us.  I just love him to pieces, and Paxson does as well.  He is a little rough with him, but he is also really caring and loving towards him.  The sibling interaction is definitely my favorite part about having two sons.  I am so looking forward to watching them grow up together. 

I have so much more to say about our newest blessing, but he is laying on his "gym" next me, and I just want to be playing with and smooching on him so more words another day. 

This first photo is his birth announcement followed by his very first photos taken by my sister.

Ryder is just 6 days old in the below series.

5 weeks old and starting to smile!

About 8 weeks old.  Kevin took the ones of Ryder and myself and I will treasure them always.  It is so important to be in photos with your babies!

Here is my handsome fella at 3 months old.  Giggling and content as can be.  He loves bath time, and peek-a-boo with daddy.  Get's plenty of kisses from Paxson.  Loves his stroller and being outside where the action is.  He is such a happy go lucky little guy! 

For my son

by Whitney Bird in ,

  I realize that it has been far too long since I have blogged, but I really don't shoot much in December and January so I don't have any sneak peeks to share.  I also realize that I don't have to have a sneak peek in order to blog, and that for a while there, this blog was more than just client photos, but over the past year, it seems I have had less of an urge to blog about my personal life.  I suppose I could blame it on being too busy with actual work, and that is partly true.  2014 was an awesome year for this little business of mine, but mostly I just haven't had the desire to write.  It makes me quite sad because one of my goals with this blog was to document the life of my little family.   A place to write little details down that I don't want to forget about my son.  Laying down next to him last night in his little bed, I realized there is so much about him at this age that I am scared of forgetting.  I don't even think scared is the right word....more like belly ache panic that I might forget how he only wants to fall asleep at night if Kevin or I lay in bed with him.  Lay in his little crib/toddler bed that is too small for us, but we do it for him anyway.  I have a handful of posts about Paxson, and I have a ton of photos of him, but not enough words to help jog my memory as of late.  So this post is solely for me...and Paxson.

  My sweet and stubborn little boy.  You were a challenging little thing this morning as I dressed you for daycare.  I honestly believe you enjoy daycare, and am so thankful for that and that you have a safe place to go a couple days a week where you are loved, and well taken care, but you sure didn't make taking you easy on your mama today.  You ended up going without a coat on because getting socks on you was enough for me to surrender.  That's ok though...You're little fits and our battles remind me that you are your own being.  That you are definitely not a little mini version of your mom, or even your dad.  You are uniquely you.  SO much more independent than I was as a child.  I was always so terribly shy, and I would worry so much I'd give myself a belly ache.  That is not you.  Shy-maybe a little.  It is a different kind of shy though.  You love to explore, and sometimes take off without worry of where your dad or mom are.  Being outside is your favorite place and the cold really does not bother you.  It is always your dad or I that has to force you inside.  It is never your idea to come in.  These cold winter months are hard on you and I think you go a little stir crazy because you just can't be outside enough.  

  One of my favorite things about you is how affectionate you are.  You give me as many kisses as I want, and sometimes you plant one on me when I am not expecting it.  I know you would much rather sleep next to your dad and I, but you do pretty well in your own bed, that is after you fall asleep.  You love chicken nuggets and pancakes.  You are finally beginning to make some sense, and at this moment I think your favorite word is tickle.  Oh and ball.  You love shooting hoops.  It honestly amazes me that you have quite the shot and follow through for a 2 year old.  It seems you have inherited your dad's basketball skills and not your moms which is a good thing for you.  You still love to hold my ears which is a habit I wish you would drop only because you can be a bit rough. 

Your big blue eyes have softened in color and have a bit of green in them.  You seem tall to me, and we can never keep pants on your waist.  A few jumps on your mini trampoline and they are down around your ankles.  You won't let me comb your hair let alone let anyone cut it.  You always have messy hair.  You put up a fight about washing your hands, but love baths and showers.  You light up around your grandparents and I think both Kevin and I love seeing our parents in that role. 

  I love you Paxson.  I want so badly to remember that on pancake days, no matter how well we wash up, I will still be able to smell a hint of maple syrup on you.  I want to be better at writing things down so that when you are older we can laugh and giggle about the silly things you did and the sweet things you said.  I want to remember for me and for you all the little details so I will keep stalking you with my camera.  I will try to write more for you.  I will stop and commit things to memory when life is crazy, and we are busy.  That will be my new year's resolution this year, and probably every year. 

And now...some photos of my little man just as he is in January 2015.

My baby is growing up...

by Whitney Bird in , ,

I am finally getting around to sharing Paxson's 9 month photos.  I have so many photos of Pax, but I hadn't taken any formal portraits of him in awhile so it was time.  This was a quick morning shoot, and only lasted about 15 minutes, but I am happy to have a few photos to hang on the wall.  

I can't believe how fast my little man is growing up.  It kills me how much he is starting to look less like a baby and more like a little boy.  I love seeing his little personality shine though in photos.  He is a thoughtful little guy, and will sit and play with his toys while I work or do housework.  He is content to play on his own, but loves when mom, dad or Penny join him.  He is very generous with his smiles and love, and he gives the sloppiest kisses.  He also loves to cuddle with me before naps and bed.  He lights up when daddy comes home, and his daddy always brings out the best belly laughs.  He finally has two teeth that just came in at 10 and half months, and I think his baby blues are here to stay.  His blonde hair is coming in thicker, and people are finally starting to think that he does in fact look a bit like me.  There is nothing funnier than when Penny sneezes, and her ball his one of his favorite toys.  He doesn't crawl, but he rolls, and scoots, and army crawls and does what Grandma K calls the "guppy."  

It is hard for me to believe that I hadn't even met him a year ago, and now he is my life.  Sometimes I need to just write these little things down so I don't forget them.  He changes so much in such a short time, and my hope is to have loads of photos of him that tell his life story, but I also want to have written words to share with him.  Luckily this blog helps me with that.  When I go to make his 1 year album, I can include these little posts about him because I don't want to forget that he pulls my hair and face to get me close to his to give me kisses, and that he fake laughs when I laugh just to be in on the joke or that he shakes his head no no no and then smiles at himself and does it again.  It is all so worth remembering.  

 The photo below is his model pose.  Probably only a photo a mother could love.

 Those eyes melt me....

 So thoughtful above and so excited to show mommy and daddy below.