
by Whitney Bird in

So this has not been my best blogging month.  Honestly I have just gotten a little burnt out.  I was feeling guilty about my terrible blogging, but my mom informed me that this is a good time to take a break since this is my slow part of the year.  She is a firm believer that I blog every one of my sessions, and that my clients appreciate the sneak peeks.  I absolutely agree with her, but it is important for me to blog for myself too, and that is why stepping away from the blog for a bit gives me the chance to miss it, and to come back with new blogging ideas.  I also don't want this blog to be all about "sneak peeks."  I want it to be a place for clients to get to know me before their session, and to stay in touch with me long after their session. 

Anyways....today's post is really random.  I will be sharing what I was working on this weekend soon, (I am really excited to finish editing those) but until then here is what I have been up to lately.  The below photos are all iphone photos.  I am obsessed with this phone!  My hubby completely surprised me with what I think is the best gift ever for Christmas.  I am still trying to master the camera, but I love using it to document my everyday life.  (For more iphone photos follow me on instagram at whitneylinphoto)

I always feel the need to freshen up my branding at the start of a new year, and below are my new folded  wedding business cards.  I feel like I  still need my basic card to hand out all the time, but these are great for potential wedding clients.  On another note, I am almost completely booked for Summer 2012 weddings.  It is a great feeling, and I even set aside a few weekends just for fun.  However, I always have a tough time turning couples away, and I find myself wanting to overextend myself.  One day I am set on not booking anymore summer weddings, and the next day, I am wondering if I could squeeze in a few more.  I will happily squeeze in weekday weddings, but my available weekends are very limited.  

 Earlier this month a bunch of my family met in Billings to watch the Fairbanks Nanooks play MSUB.  My uncle coaches in Fairbanks, and since I was in Eastern Montana for Christmas, it was nice to see the Alaska crew as well as my parents, grandma, sister, cousins, and some other friends.   
Kev and I in Billings.

Miles City finally got some snow last week.  This is our home covered in fresh snow on a very grey day.

I have so many photos of miss penny it is ridiculous. 

Penny and Kevin reunited after a week apart.  Kevin was gone for work then Penny and I were in Three Forks for the weekend so the second we got out of the car she was on the 4-wheeler plowing our drive-way with him.