Sexy Resolution Time

by Whitney Bird in

Ok ladies, it is time to make one awesome resolution that benefits not only you, but also your significant other.  Why not resolve to make this the year you do something seriously sexy?  This is the perfect time of year to book a boudoir session with Whitney Lin Photography.  Not only will you do something that makes you feel incredible, you will also have the an amazing gift for your loved one this Valentine's day.  It's a WIN/WIN!  Plus, I have added a special package to my boudoir collections that is available until the end of February.  
In order to ensure delivery by Valentine's Day, book your session before February 2nd.   Sessions last around an hour, and can take place in my home studio in Miles City or on location.  If you are in the Bozeman area, and would like to book a session, there is availability on the weekend of the 21st of January.  Group discounts are available-just ask me!  Email me at to book a session or if you have any questions!

Click HERE to view a sampling from last year's sessions.  

Because....You're a sexy chick!

by Whitney Bird in

First off, let me say how excited I am to finally be sharing some boudoir photos.  A big thanks to all the ladies who allowed me to post these photos.  (I don't share boudoir photos without permission from the subject)  Secondly, I know I have been a terrible blogger lately.  You will get no excuses from me.  It has been bad!   BUT, it has been nice to get caught up on household projects, print orders, and even take a little time off.  My first 2011 wedding is at the end of this month, so now is the time for me to get all those winter projects tied up.  

Moving on to the boudoir.  I can not tell you how much I love boudoir shoots.  It is so much fun to shoot confident women.  I could not have asked for better boudoir clients.  They rocked these shoots, and they have some seriously lucky significant others.  I have to thank all my boudoir clients for trusting me because it is not easy to strip down and have a camera snap you from all angles.  I also have to thank them for the referrals.  I did not advertise my Valentines day boudoir shoots other than on my blog and facebook.  Thanks ladies so so much for spreading the word, and sharing your experience and online galleries with your girlfriends.  I really appreciate it.  

You can book a boudoir shoot anytime of the year!  They make perfect birthday gifts, groom gifts, or even just because gifts.  Email me at for pricing information!

Because...It is Valentines day!

by Whitney Bird in ,

So I know that there have not been many new photo posts lately, and I actually have a really great excuse for it.  I have been shooting boudoir sessions for the past month, and I can't really share those sessions for two reasons-most of them are surprises, and boudoir photos are really very private in nature.  I am hoping to talk a few ladies into letting me share a couple of their photos, however it is completely up to them so it just might not happen.  (If you are interested in a boudoir shoot,  I do have some photos I can share with you privately.)  I feel very blessed with how popular the boudoir sessions were this Valentines day.  I shot 7 sessions in the past 3 weeks, and since other than on my blog and facebook I didn't advertise them, I feel incredibly grateful that my beautiful clients referred their beautiful friends to me.  I have wonderful clients, and I feel confident now that the boudoir side of my business will continue to grow because these women will continue to share their experience and their photos with their girlfriends.  A referral is really the best compliment a photographer can get, and I am very thankful for them.  

On another note, I feel a little guilty about my own Valentines day plans this year.  I have been so busy working on accordian albums, and print orders for others, that my poor husband has taken a backseat this year.  To be honest, I don't think he minds me not making today a big deal for once, and we will get to spend some time together tonight.  However, it might just be a homecooked meal, with some cheap champagne and box made brownies.  This doesn't mean I love you any less kb.  There is no where I'd rather be then home after a busy weekend with my sweatheart eating brownies and drinking champagne.  I love you Kevin-today and everyday!  

Here is a little Valentines day card I made to share with you all this year.  Please don't be too critical of the photo.  It was shot using my camera's self timer in our family room in 5 minutes.