Paxson William

by Whitney Bird in , , boy decided to let Kevin and I know who runs things now and show up three and half weeks early.  He pretty much blew my October plans out of the water and that is fine by me.  My main concern was his health, and he is a very healthy and happy boy so we are thrilled to get to enjoy him already.  Having him surprise us early was such a blessing, and I have spent the past two weeks getting to know Paxson William.  He is so perfect, and I love being his mommy.  Whitney Lin Photography has had to take a backseat a bit sooner than expected, but I can usually get a few works things done in the afternoon when little man hangs in his swing.  I also was able to get a few photos featuring Paxson done last week.  The outdoor family ones were taken quickly while my family was still visiting.  I am so happy to have them even though Kevin and I look exactly like the tired new parents we are.  I also did a few of just Paxson, and I hope to do a few more this weekend while my sister is here.  It is kinda hard to be the mommy and photographer at the same time, but we got a few shots before he had enough.  

I might decide to share more about his birth at a later time, but for now here are some photos of my handsome son.

 and...this is when I knew he had had enough.  I must be his mother if I think this photo is cute :)